Mountains are calling for Skiers.
Ski season begins this week here in Utah, and we couldn't be more excited! The snow has arrived and the ski resorts are ready to get the lifts up and running! Make sure that you are ready to hit the slopes this year. Here are seven things you should do before the season starts to make your time in the mountains more enjoyable.
1) Buy your ski passes in advance-Whether you are getting a season pass or purchasing individual day passes this winter, it always pays off to buy in advance! Season passes are typically cheapest when you buy them in August, before the season starts. Even if you plan on purchasing individual day passes, it still pays off to purchase before you get to the resort. If you buy your passes in advance at one of the local ski shops, like Ski 'N See or ARCS Ski & Board Shop, you can get the passes at a discount rate.
2) Find a crew- Talk to you family and friends, see who will be skiing and boarding at your resort. That way you can plan days to ride with your buddies! If you can, pick a day of the week that you and your buddy both don't work and designate it as a ski day. Solo days are always good, but there is nothing better than spending time with your family and friends on the slopes!
3) Check your gear- Go through all your gear to make sure it is working and fits properly. Maybe you need to get your boots re-molded, or your ski jacket needs to be replaced. There is nothing worse than getting ready to hit the slopes opening day and finding out that your gear isn't working properly. It is best to check it out now so that you are ready to go when the snow is here and the resorts are open! Shop SKI GEAR
4) Buy one new thing- Whether it is something as small as a new hat, or as big as a new pair of skis, treat yourself to something new! It’s a new season, and you’ve waited patiently for it to come, you deserve it. Shop HERE
5) Tune-up your skis- Show your gear a little love. It has been sitting all alone in storage the past few months, it could use a little TLC. Take your skis or snowboard into a local shop for a tune-up. Tuning your skis can extend their lifetime and also helps the skis perform optimally on the slopes. For your skis to perform at their best, you should be taking them in for a tune-up at least twice a year, or more, depending on how hard you ride.

6) Start conditioning (if you haven’t already started…)-Let’s be honest, if you haven’t already been conditioning for ski season by now, you are a little late in the game. But better late than never! Start working out those legs now! There are lots of workouts you can find online or sometimes even at your local gym that are specific to ski conditioning, but the most important thing is to get out and exercise! It doesn’t matter what you do, it could be yoga, hiking, biking, etc., as long as you are doing something. Make sure you’re keeping your body in shape so when ski season arrives, you will be able to spend more time on the slopes, and less time icing your achy muscles.

7) Pray for snow -Mother Nature is usually pretty generous to us here in Utah, but pray for snow anyways! We don't want to take any chances, and we will do whatever it takes to taste that fresh powder!