Ski Bindings - DIN Chart and Sizing

As with anything, today’s “at your finger-tips” technology environment allows you to gather information on what to look for with just about anything. Ski bindings are no exception. And just like technology has evolved, so too have skis. As a result, ski bindings have had to evolve with them leading to ski bindings that offer more control and power than ever before. In this guide we will offer you some key information you should consider when choosing the right ski bindings for you. Those key areas include: Brake Width, Binding Type, and DIN Range. Keep in mind that just like other ski equipment, the more aggressive or the heavier you are, the stronger your equipment should be to provide the right support. This not only keeps you from having to replace your equipment frequently, but it is also for your own personal safety.

DIN Range

What is DIN Range? We’re glad you asked. DIN is short for Deutsches Institut für Normung (German Institute for Standardization), and it is the industry-adopted scale of release force settings for ski bindings.

The DIN setting is determined by the certified ski shop technician that will be mounting your ski bindings and testing them for safety. This setting is based on 3 pieces of criteria: your weight, your height, and ability level. It is important that you are honest about all 3 of these pieces so that you can ski safely. The lower the DIN setting, the lower the force that will be required to release from your bindings. The higher the DIN setting, the more force required.

Below is a chart that gives a general guideline for DIN, but be aware this is intended only to give you an idea of general DIN setting ranges. You should not attempt to set your own DIN setting. You should always have a certified ski shop technician determine your DIN and mount your bindings.

DIN Chart

Skiers Weight Ability Level Description DIN
25 - 65 lbs. Beginner - Intermediate Lightweight Kids .5 - 2.5
30 - 100 lbs. Beginner - Intermediate Junior Skiers .75 - 4.5
50 - 165 lbs. Beginner - Intermediate Heavier beginning / beginning to advancing junior skier 2 - 7
65 - 200 lbs. Beginner - Intermediate Intermediate junior skiers / Lightweight beginning adult skiers 3 - 10
65 - 240 lbs. Beginner - Advanced Beginning skiers / lightweight intermediate to advanced adult skiers 3 - 11
65 - 250 lbs. Intermediate - Expert Intermediate skiers who are heavier / lighter weight expert adult skiers 3 - 12
130-285 lbs. Intermediate - Expert Heavier or more aggressive intermediate to expert adult skiers 6 - 14
130 - 200+ lbs. Intermediate - Expert Heavier skiers, very aggressive, advanced and expert adult skiers 6 - 16
150 - 200+ lbs. Expert - Pro Aggressive expert big mountain skiers and racers 8 - 18

Brake Width

When beginning your search for ski bindings, the first thing you need to consider is the waist width of the skis you are finding bindings for. The waist width of your skis determines your brake width.

If you are familiar with, or have seen a ski binding before, you will notice small “arm-like” pieces attached to the heel piece of the binding. These are the brakes of your bindings that are designed to stop your skis from continuing down the mountain in the event of a release. This allows you to retrieve your skis quickly while ensuring the safety of other skiers so your skis don’t shoot down the mountain causing any unfortunate consequences.

As mentioned above, the width of your skis is what will determine your brake width. So, for example, if your skis have a 90mm waist width then you will need bindings that have a brake width of at least 90mm, but no greater than 20mm wider than your ski width (110mm in this case).

Best Use

Downhill Ski Bindings

This is the majority of what you’re going to find when you are shopping for ski bindings. Downhill ski bindings have a fixed toe-piece, a fixed heel-piece, and the brake. They should be mounted to your skis and tested for Read more

Downhill Ski Bindings

Alpine Touring (A/T) Ski Bindings

This type of ski binding is designed slightly differently than traditional downhill ski bindings. While the toe-piece remains fixed, like a downhill binding, the heel-piece is designed to release off of the ski so that you can hike or skin Read more

Alpine Touring (A/T) Ski Bindings